a film by Florian Felix Koch

starring Markus Reuss

still photography by Michael Kotowski

you can read about the project in our paper (german version only)

Winner Sonderpreis „Liebe, Glaube, Hoffnung“ Camgaroo Award 2023

Winner NRW Award Eat My Shorts Kurzfilmfestival Hagen 2021

Official Selection Interfilm Berlin 2023 – Bike Shorts – Emancipating Movement

Official Selection Bicycle Film Festival 2021/22

Official Selection International Short Film Festival Oberhausen 2020

Official Selection Moscow Shorts February 2020

Vice wrote a story about our project

Part of Dokkino DocPoint festival program 2021

Part of Inconvenient Films 2021 – films that help you grow

Part of nepatogaus kino klase educational platform

Screened at Bilderwerfer 2021